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Need help demystifying hormone balance & how it may be stifling your fat loss goals? This comprehensive 18 page e book can help! The e book is a collaboration between Clare Morrow IFBB Pro & Michelle Riedel, NC-P, Hormone Specialist and covers some of the things that effect hormone balance such as sleep, nutrition, exercise, along with what hormones are the most important to check when having them looked at by a specialist.
The e book arrives instantly with purchase as a digital download! You will get a pop up window with the link to download to any device. If you wish to download at a later date there is a back up link that arrives to your e mail and is available for 72 hours.
"You're Not Crazy Your Hormones Are" is a great place for anyone (espceially women over the age of 40) that is seeking basic information on the importance of hormones, how they effect fat loss, and what importance they play in helping you feel your best. Use the e book to gain more insight on how you can take steps to balance your hormones better & what the most important ones are to have checked to make sure everything is functioning correctly so that your fat loss & fitness goals can have the best chance for success
*There are no refunds on this order since it arrives instantly with purchase.
Questions or help; or DM Clare on Instagram.